
(First!) Note from your Publisher


August 27, 2020


I'm so happy to be sitting here, writing my first articles for you. It brings me joy to know my words are connecting with other parents in our area- and what a great area it is! I look forward to being able to share with you the local events and businesses that make where we live unique.

A bit about myself and my family:

We've been Coloradoans since 2013. Our crew includes four fun and energetic kiddos: three girls and a 7mo son. We love parks, creeks, and weekend getaways... travel is a necessary part of life! We homeschool and hike. I garden, find things to bake on Pinterest, and enjoy my coffee every morning with froth and chocolate syrup... because #treatyoself!

You'll find notes from me on here from time to time, and please feel free to send me one as well! Are you a momma in need of go-to dinner ideas? Needing advice on area preschools? What about my local businesses out there... do you or local business owner you  know deserve the attention of our subscribers? Let me now! Shoot me an email at and I'll get right back to you.

Have a great week!
